AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 23
Be a friend... and leave me alone!
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Humans are herd animals. Our connections with others gives us our evolutionary advantage and is the foundation for civilizations and all the good stuff we enjoy. But finding that little space away from the pack requires work.
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Sometimes house guests are like fish, it needs to go after three days in your fridge or it starts to stink.
That tech age we’re is driving a real wedge between perception and reality. A big breakdown in relationships today is the idealized versions of people we both create in our heads but also the facade of a perfect life we present daily on social media. we need to get back to being open and honest with our online presence. What were doing now is just propagating the growing narcissistic epidemic of the world today. That conscious effort to present perfect selfies and fear flaws is forcing the normalization for external validation. Its impossible to love anyone else if you don’t first love yourself