Dr. Ganz Ferrance ● Speaker ● Author ● Coach — click NOW for my FREE Stress Busting Tips

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The Ferrance Group

If you’re in Alberta, let my team and me help you with: STRESS, Relationship, Communication, Family or other issues. We also offer Sports and Performance Coaching—all from a “Positive Psychology” framework.

We believe that we are all a work in progress, and that true change takes place from the inside out. The change you, your family, or your team will experience under the support and objective guidance provided by The Ferrance Group will result in a core change allowing you to live your life functioning and performing at your optimal level.

You can also check out my book The Me Factor©. It looks at the often unspoken challenges of being a man, shines a light on the personal and professional pressures faced by working men in our thirties and forties, when work and family pressures tend to be at their highest. You’ll learn how to prioritize the areas of your life in a healthy way, create boundaries, and become a wellspring of energy, overflowing into every area of your life. Great for us guys or for women to help them understand their husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, or other men in their lives.

Take ME home with you today!

Check out my audio downloads here*

*The ME Factor© is FREE for a Limited Time!

Call Today and Feel Better