AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 44
COVID-19 and our Seniors
L.I.S.T.E.N. — The pandemic has been brutal on all of us. All the adjustments and sacrifices can really be exhausting. Our seniors have had even more to deal with - especially isolation and grief. Understand some of their unique challenges and how to support them through these and other trying times.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 43
Managing Uncertainty
L.I.S.T.E.N. — 2020 was a hell of a year. But no matter when you’re listening to this, uncertainty is a fact of life. Actually, the only constant we can count on is that things change. Sharpen your skill at managing, even seeing the advantage in, the inevitable shifts in life.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 42
The Power of Permission
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Did you ever have that extra dessert or take a day off but felt guilty the whole time? Make the most and get the full benefit out of the things you choose to do. Discover the power of giving yourself permission.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz