AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 45
Talking about ‘the tough stuff’ with Kids
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Whether it’s difficult things in the news or the “dreaded talk” (I mean sex of course), communicating with kids and teens can feel intimidating. Build your confidence by having a game plan. And discover how to stay calm so you don’t add more weirdness to the situation.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 44
COVID-19 and our Seniors
L.I.S.T.E.N. — The pandemic has been brutal on all of us. All the adjustments and sacrifices can really be exhausting. Our seniors have had even more to deal with - especially isolation and grief. Understand some of their unique challenges and how to support them through these and other trying times.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 41
Surviving “Blue Monday”
L.I.S.T.E.N. — They say it’s the most depressing day of the year - the 3rd Monday in January. Find out if this is actually the truth (spoiler) and discover what you can do about it.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 39
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Buckle up!! We’re into the holiday season. This year is definitely going to be different. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to get along with the people in your family; or dealing with being alone during the holidays. Discover strategies that can help you get to the other side unscathed.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 38
Christmas (Holidays) with COVID
L.I.S.T.E.N. — It’s been a weird year. Christmas/holidays will be no exception. Find out what you can do to not just survive but maybe even enjoy the upcoming season.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 37
Get Your Mind Ready for the Holiday Season
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Buckle up!! We’re into the holiday season. This year is definitely going to be different. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to get along with the people in your family; or dealing with being alone during the holidays. Discover strategies that can help you get to the other side unscathed.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 32
Working from Home - Set Up for Success
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Working from home has both advantages and disadvantages. Discover how to set yourself up for success and avoid the pitfalls. Learn how to be more efficient and at the same time not alienate your family; or feel alienated by them.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 31
Who Looks after your Parents?
L.I.S.T.E.N. — The “sandwich generation” is not a group of people going to Subway. It’s dealing with your own kids and now looking after your parents too. Learn about special considerations and what to do about them. Also, discover the right language to use to get family members on the same page (as much as possible).
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 17
Protecting yourself from contagious stress
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Ever notice how one negative person can suck the very joy out of a room? Or realize how utterly drained you feel after that spending time with that certain friend or family member? Well you are not imagining it! Stress (as well as negativity) really is contagious! Here are four things you can do to protect yourself from catching it.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz