AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 20
Guess what's under our tree?
L.I.S.T.E.N. — A different type of episode from us... as Ganz and Bryn share their different Christmas time experiences with BOTH the highs and lows. Plus, we talk about the positive and negative focus at this time of the season and how to channel the stress. NOTE: This is our show for over the holiday season and this episode will run for TWO weeks while we also take a short break. We'll be back with a new episode on January 3rd.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 19
Electronic Etiquette
L.I.S.T.E.N. — While smartphones, computers, tablets and other electronic personal devices are still relatively new (in the grand scheme of things), we are still struggling with the rules on 'how to use' them. So how do we start defining a positive, stress reducing direction on how to move forward? We talk about that on today's podcast.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 18
Entrepreneurs and Stress
L.I.S.T.E.N. — A recent study suggested over 90% of businesses in North America are 'small businesses'. With this new 'Me Inc' mentality in the workplace, even if you're an employee, there are different types of stress you can feel each day. Let's touch on that in this podcast episode.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 17
Protecting yourself from contagious stress
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Ever notice how one negative person can suck the very joy out of a room? Or realize how utterly drained you feel after that spending time with that certain friend or family member? Well you are not imagining it! Stress (as well as negativity) really is contagious! Here are four things you can do to protect yourself from catching it.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz -
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 16
How to stop yelling at your kids
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Every parent wants to have some peace and quiet at home. But a lot of the time the source of the chaos is the parent(s)! It can seem like a never-ending battle to get the kids to listen while also dealing with our own guilt over losing it. Here are some strategies that will make your life way easier and help create the more serene home you all deserve. (by the way, these work on teens and when the kids are grown too!)
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 14
Only 50 More 'Stressing Days' Until Christmas - Part One - Round Table
L.I.S.T.E.N. — on November 5th, Dr. Ganz held a media event in Edmonton, Canada, where a unique round table discussion took place. Today we bring you Part One of 'Only 50 more stressing days until Christmas'. We hope you find the information from our panel helpful as we move closer to the holiday season.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 13
The darker side of light or Beat the never ending blues
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Everyone is affected to different degrees by this lack of light but about 3% (1,000,000 in Canada) of the population are affected severely with the diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) while another 5,000,000 people (15%) don't get the full diagnosis but have what has been described as the "Winter Blues".
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 12
Surviving stress in uncertain times
L.I.S.T.E.N. — The American Psychological Association (APA) reports that stress, anxiety and depression have all seen a significant spike since the recent US elections. You can also feel it here In Canada following our Federal election.. People are way more on edge. Here are some ways that you can deal with the uncertainty of world events in a positive way.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 11
L.I.S.T.E.N. — Much research has shown that our mood declines depending on how much increased time we spend in front of a computer, phone or gaming screen. BUT the opposite is true when you spend some time outside, with no electronic devices, giving yourself a mental break.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 10
You Can't Do Rehab at a Crack House. Organize your space.
L.I.S.T.E.N. — People are strongly affected by their environment- especially their physical environment. However, it's important to have a good handle on your emotional, social and time environments too. Surround yourself with great people. They can help you.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 9
PLAN To Reduce Stress And Take Time To PLAN
L.I.S.T.E.N. — It's so important to take the time to have a plan in place to reduce your stress level. Having a plan can feed your physical, social, spiritual, and financial well being. But creating a simple 'to-do-list' is a great start to help you move forward.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
AskDrGanz Podcast - Episode 8
4 Ways To Build A Healthy Brain
L.I.S.T.E.N. — A good offence is a great defence... especially when it comes to your brain. Today we focus on a few helpful hints to fuel your brain to help protect you from stress and improve your overall productivity.
Join Registered Psychologist Dr. Ganz Ferrance WEEKLY for a new episode and tips on how to make stress work FOR you! #AskDrGanz
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